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Classes for the Community

A series of ongoing classes designed for older adults and sponsored by Hacienda La Puente Adult Education are offered at the school campuses with continuous enrollment.

Home Arts - Oil Painting

Home Arts / Oil Painting

All levels welcome! Learn to paint the easy way!
Simple follow-along instruction enables the student to easily learn brush techniques, color mixing, necessary elements, and fundamentals of art. Maximum class capacity is 45 students.
"Beginners welcome, results guaranteed!"

Class begins Thursday, August 15, 2024. 

Class Fee: $50 per semester. 

Course No Days Time Location Teacher     
86100.042 Th 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm Willow Center, 107 Linda Lee

How to Register: 

Register at Willow Main Office Monday - Friday, beginning July 29, 2024. Bring a copy of your registration form and receipt to the first day of class. 

Understanding Technology

Technology / Understanding & Using Computers

This class is designed for the first time computer user, but it is also intended for those whose familiarity with computers is limited, and who want a better understanding of the basics. When you complete this class, you will be able to navigate your computer system, be familiar with some of the most popular software, know how and where to find information quickly, and navigate the internet with the utmost confidence. Class size limited to 27 students per class.

For additional information please call (626) 934-2920.

No Class Fee 

Course No Days Time Location Instructor     
86000.021 (Beginning) M / W 8:30 am - 11:00 am  Dibble Campus, E1 Beltran 
86000.121 (Advanced) T / Th 8:30 am - 11:00 am  Dibble Campus, E1 Beltran